Henry County Celebrates Juneteenth with Two-Day Event

Lightkeepers of Henry County is presenting the third annual Henry County Juneteenth Celebration to commemorate the ending of slavery and celebrate achievements of African Americans. This year’s event, coinciding with Henry County’s bicentennial celebration, is Saturday, June 18 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, June 19 from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. Join us at 1400 Plaza, New Castle, Indiana.

The activities begin on Saturday with live music and performances by On Air, Taurus, The Guyer Dancers, Drum Corps, Rick Cottman, John Kafi, John Frees, and The TRSS. Speakers from Interlocal Community Action Program (ICAP) and the Health Department will talk about local issues, The event will include food trucks, community speakers, and family-friendly entertainment.

In addition to these performances, the Henry County Bicentennial’s Beard Contest will culminate at the same time and area as the Juneteenth celebration. Some of the beard categories are Abe Lincoln, goatee, and mutton chops. Attendees will have the opportunity to vote on Best Beard.

Sunday, June 19, is the official date for Juneteenth. The schedule includes faith-based performances by Maxine Fahie, Trish Crowe, Martha Ruth Kirkley, Charles Nicholson, Beth Leavell-Davis, The Pelfry Brothers, and The Buchanons. Other presentations feature spoken-word poetry and community members’ personal testimonies on Juneteenth.

Lightkeepers of Henry County is focused on empathy, equity, and education. The group aims to provide human rights education and bring equity to all members of the community. For more information on The Lightkeepers of Henry County and the Juneteenth celebration, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1031233507782405.


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